Results for 'Norov Olim Toshpulatovich'

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  1.  29
    Simplified Kripke Semantics for K45-Like Gödel Modal Logics and Its Axiomatic Extensions.Ricardo Oscar Rodriguez, Olim Frits Tuyt, Francesc Esteva & Lluís Godo - 2022 - Studia Logica 110 (4):1081-1114.
    In this paper we provide a simplified, possibilistic semantics for the logics K45, i.e. a many-valued counterpart of the classical modal logic K45 over the [0, 1]-valued Gödel fuzzy logic \. More precisely, we characterize K45 as the set of valid formulae of the class of possibilistic Gödel frames \, where W is a non-empty set of worlds and \ is a possibility distribution on W. We provide decidability results as well. Moreover, we show that all the results also apply (...)
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    Une problématique générale pour l'analyse des classes.Erik Olim Wright & Nicole Dubois - 1988 - Actuel Marx 4 (1):55.
    E.O. Wright, using the labourtransfer and game theory approach of J. Roemer, provides a general framework for a comparative analysis of the different class systems, the historical variations of which are founded on the peculiar nature of the "asset" the dominant class appropriates.
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  3. Olim "as Particle".H. L. Tracy - 1976 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 69 (7):431.
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  4. Biḳur ḥolim ba-halakhah uve-agadah: halakhot ṿe-hanhagot, musar u-maḥshavah..Asher Zelig Morsky - 2007 - Bene Beraḳ: Mekhon Mishnat Rabi ʻAḳiva.
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  5.  17
    Ut scriptor cyclicus olim: Das griechische Original von Horaz, ars 137.Reinhold F. Glei & Niklas Gutt - 2019 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 163 (1):161-166.
    Journal Name: Philologus Issue: Ahead of print.
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    Did the Master Make a Mistake?: On Esser's theory about the two versions of Francis's Letter to the Clergy, its dependence on the papal bull Sane cum olim and a new approach.Jan Hoeberichts - 2009 - Franciscan Studies 67:1-41.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:1. The present state of the questionEsser's turnaboutIn his collection of studies on the writings of Francis, published in 1973, Kajetan Esser, the acknowledged master of Franciscan textual criticism, wrote that in verse 13 of Francis's Letter to the Clergy there exists "a striking difference, that is difficult to explain," between the oldest manuscript which originally belonged to the Benedictine abbey of Subiaco and was written before 1238, and (...)
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    A late Byzantine book inventory in Sofia, Dujčev gr. 253 (olim Kosinitsa 265) – a monastic or private library?Philip Rance - 2022 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 115 (3):977-1030.
    This study concerns an inventory of books, dated 1428/29, inscribed in Sofia, Dujčev gr. 253 (olim Kosinitsa 265), fol. 290r. Although the text was obscurely published in 1886, the vicissitudes of this codex over the following century impeded further research and the inventory continues to be overlooked in studies of Byzantine libraries, books and reading. A new edition, furnishing corrections and filling lacunae, together with a first translation and palaeographical analysis, provide a foundation for introducing this rare document and (...)
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  8. De inventione dialectica libri omnes et integri & recogniti, qui iam olim quidem in publivum prodierunt..Rodolphus Agricola - 1967 - Frankfurt/M.,: Minerva Verlag.
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  9. From collector to scholar: The path of Avraam Norov (Avraam Sergeevic Norov).Simonetta Bassi - 2006 - Rinascimento 46:619-628.
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    Elementa logicae: In gratiam studiosae juventutis in Academi' Oxoniensi. Authore Edovardo Brerewood, olim Collegii Aeneanasensis alumno dignissimo.Edward Brerewood, William Baker, Edward Griffin & Thomas Whitaker - 1657 - Apud Ed. Griffin, Pro Tho. Whitaker.
  11. Philosophia Vetus Et Nova Ad Usum Scholae Accomodata in Regia Burgundia Olim Pertractata.Jean-Baptiste du Hamel, Abel Swall & George Wells - 1685 - Impensis Georgii Wells & Abel Swalle.
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  12. Repertorium commentariorum medii aevi in Aristotelem Latinorum quae in Bibliotheca olim Universitatis Pragensis nunc Státní Knihovna ČSR vocata asservantur.Jerzy B. Korolec - 1977 - Wrocław: Zakład Narodowy im. Ossólińskich.
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  13.  12
    35. Tenlatar locus Aristotolis politic. VIII (olim V) 12, p. 1315 b,qui est de annis Gypselidarum.Theophilus Roeper - 1863 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 20 (1-4):722-726.
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    Elementa logicae: In gratiam studiosae juventutis in Academi' Oxoniensi. Authore Edovardo Brerewood, olim Collegii Aeneanasensis alumno dignissimo.Edward Brerewood, William Baker, John Raworth & Richard Whitaker - 1657 - Apud Ioannem Raworth, Pro Ric. Whitaker.
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    (1 other version)Vol XIII.I-II, Pars I: Philoponi (olim Ammonii) in Aristotelis Categorias commentarium. Pars II: Ioannis Philoponi in Aristotelis analytica priora commentaria.Adolfus Busse & Maximilianus Wallies (eds.) - 1962 - De Gruyter.
    Seit dem 2. nachchristlichen Jahrhundert werden die Schriften von Aristoteles kommentiert. Diese Ausgabe enthält griechische Kommentare zu seinem Werk vom 3. bis 8. Jahrhundert n. Chr., u. a. von Alexander von Aphrodiensias, Themistios, Joh. Philoponus, Simplicius in griechischer Sprache.
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    Petri Lombardi episcopi Parisiensis sententiarum libri quatuor: ad calcem operis subjiciuntur articli erronei, Parisiis jam olim damnati atque ab eorum assertoribus recantati adjectis nonnullis ipsius magistri in quibus communiter non approbatur.Peter Lombard - 1892 - Louis Vivès.
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  17. Sefer Zeraʻ Ḥayim: pisḳe halakhot, ḥidushim, beʼurim ṿe-heʻarot be-mitsṿat biḳur ḥolim.Yaʻaḳov Ḥayim Sofer - 1988 - Yerushala[y]im: [Ḥ. Mo. L.].
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  18.  27
    Forsan et Haec Olim Meminisse Iuvabit. [REVIEW]Philip Hardie - 1990 - The Classical Review 40 (2):263-264.
  19.  92
    Aids to the Study of Propertius - Paolo Fedeli: Propertius. Codex Guelferbytanus Gudianus 224 olim Neapolitanus. Pp. xiv+142 plates. Assisi: Accademia Properziana del Subasio, 1985. Paper, L. 25,000. - P. Fedeli, P. Pinotti: Bibliografia Properziana (1946–1983). (Atti Accademia Properziana del Subasio, VI, 9.) Pp. 116. Assisi: Accademia Properziana del Subasio, 1985. Paper, L. 20,000. [REVIEW]S. J. Heyworth - 1986 - The Classical Review 36 (1):48-50.
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  20.  26
    De Menandri Comici codice in Patriarchali Bibliotheca Constantinopolitana olim asservato. [REVIEW]D. S. Robertson - 1939 - The Classical Review 53 (1):38-38.
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  21. R.P. Francisci Suarez Granatensis E Societate Iesu Doctoris Theologi, Et in Conimbricensi Academia Primarij at Q[Ue] Emeriti Olim Professoris. Tractatus Quinque Ad Primam Secundæd. Thomæ de Vltimo Fine Hominis, Ac Beatitudine. De Voluntario, & Inuoluntario. De Humanorum Actuum Bonitate & Malitia. De Passionibus & Habitibus. De Vitiis, at Q[Ue] Peccatis.Francisco Suárez, Hermann Thomas, Hermannus Mylius & Meresius - 1629 - Sumptibus Hermanni Mylii Birkmanni, Excudebat Hermannus Meresius.
  22.  11
    Catalogi manuscriptorum graecorum qui, in periodico «Νεος Ελληνομνημων« olim publici iuris facti, adhuc usui sunt. I, acc. J. Declerck, J. Noret, C. De Vocht. [REVIEW]Sever J. Volcu - 1983 - Augustinianum 23 (3):560-560.
  23. Tractatus Quidam Logici de Præicabilibus, Et Præicamentis Ab Eruditissimo Viro Eduardo Brerewood, Artium Magistro, È Collegio Æei-Nasi, Olim Conscripti: Nunc Verò Ab Erroribus Vindicati, Ad Pristinum Nitorem, Nativamque Puritatem Diligentissim' Manuscriptorum Collatione Restituti, & in Lucem Editi: Per T.S. Art. Mag. & Collegii Æei-Nasi Socium. Editio Postrema, in Qu' Acessêrunt Duo Ejusdem Authoris Insignes Tractatus, Prior de Meteoris, Posterior de Oculo: Lim', Luceque Donati: Per Eundem T.S.Edward Brerewood & T. - 1659 - Excudebat Hen: Hall, Academiætypographus, Impensis Johan: Adams.
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    Tibullus 2, 3. 31–2.H. J. Rose - 1944 - Classical Quarterly 38 (3-4):78-.
    The notes of W. S. Maguinness on the Corpus Tibullianum contain several things which strike me as either true or at least highly plausible. In the above passage, however, I think both he and Postgate have missed the point of the first word. Tibullus has been telling the story of how Apollo turned herdsman for love's sake. He insists several times over that it is a story, not a thing he can vouch for. The infinitives in 14 a-c make it (...)
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  25.  3
    Capaneus philosophus? Una nota su Zenone, Filodemo, Stazio (e Lucrezio).Francesco Cannizzaro - 2024 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 168 (2):168-179.
    This short article, which starts with a reconsideration of the philosophical characterization of Statius’ Capaneus, aims at investigating the reception of the mythical figure of Capaneus in Hellenistic philosophy. Both among the Stoics (Zeno and, maybe, Chrysippus, according to Diogenes Laertius and Athenaeus) and the Epicureans (Philodemus in P.Herc. 452 olim 463, fr. 13), Capaneus occurs in the philosophical discourse on the definition of the sage, albeit with different nuances and reference texts. Statius, Neapolitan poeta doctus with Stoic and (...)
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  26.  67
    The Convergence of Religious and Metaphysical Concepts.Yehuda Halper - 2011 - Studia Neoaristotelica 8 (2):163-177.
    Translators of Aristotle’s and Averroës’ metaphysical works into 14th C Hebrew often associated important philosophical concepts with Hebrew terms that were also used to signify central Jewish and Biblical religious concepts. Here I examine how two such terms, “mofet” and “devequt”, were used to refer to extraordinary, divine wonders and to clinging (in particular to God) respectively in the religious texts, but to Aristotelian demonstration and continuity (especially noetic continuity) respectively in the translations of Averroës’ Long Commentary on Aristotle’s Metaphysics. (...)
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  27.  46
    Analecta Gelliana.Leofranc Holford-Strevens - 1993 - Classical Quarterly 43 (01):292-.
    Not only was Gellius' preface received in the fifteenth century at the end of his work instead of the beginning, but it arrived almost or wholly without the Greek, which had to be patched up by guesswork; between siluarum and quidam early editors read ‘ille κηρον, alius κρας μαλӨεας’, the first two names in the similar passage, Plin. N.H. pr. 24. Salmasius, in the preface to his Plinianae exercitationes, printed a text ‘ex vestigiis antiquae scripturae optimi exemplaris [sc. MS P (...)
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  28.  38
    Propertius 4. 1. 9.W. S. Watt - 1975 - Classical Quarterly 25 (01):155-.
    Most modern editors adopt one or other of two readings: quot gradibus domus ista Remi se sustulit! olim / unus erat etc.; qua gradibus domus ista Remi se sustulit, olim / unus erat etc. It is true that a large number of steps leading up to a temple is an indicationof its magnificence; cf. Ovid, Pont. 3. 2. 49 f. templa manent hodie vastis innixa columnis, / perque quater denos itur in ilia gradus. Nevertheless in this context qua (...)
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  29.  49
    Gulielmius and the Erfurtensis of Cicero: New Readings For Pro Sulla.D. H. Berry - 1989 - Classical Quarterly 39 (02):400-.
    The Erfurtensis , now lat. 2°.252 in the Staatsbibliothek Preuβischer Kulturbesitz at Berlin , was assembled by Wibald of Corvey in the mid twelfth century, and is the most comprehensive medieval manuscript of Cicero, containing nearly half of what was eventually to survive. The manuscript as it exists today has lost one or more folios at several different points, but in some of these places readings were recorded by sixteenth and seventeenth-century scholars before the mutilations occurred. There is, however, only (...)
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  30.  14
    The Hebrew Sources of Tortosa’s Disputation.Francesco Bianchi - 2020 - Perichoresis 18 (4):97-119.
    The Disputation or Cathechesis of Tortosa with its sixty-nine sessions (February 7, 1413-November 12, 1413) was the longest of the Jewish Christian encounters in the Middle Age. Stirred by the Avignonesian Pope Benedict XIII, Geronimo de Sancta Fide, olim Yehoshua ha-Lorki, summoned a group of Catalan and Aragonese rabbis to inform them that the Messiah was already came. Not only the Papal notaries recorded the excruciating debates, but also two Hebrew sources: the anonymous and fragmentary letter published by Halberstam (...)
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  31.  33
    Arms and the Man: Wordplay and the Catasterism of Chiron in Ovid, Fasti 5.Barbara Weiden Boyd - 2001 - American Journal of Philology 122 (1):67-80.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Arms and the Man:Wordplay and the Catasterism of Chiron in Ovid Fasti 5Barbara Weiden BoydIn a recent essay, Ian Brookes has drawn attention to the way in which Ovid's description of the catasterism of Chiron in Fasti 5 "suppresses Chiron's hybrid nature" as centaur "in order to allow us to sympathize with him as a fellow human."1 Brookes also directs us to the ironic ambiguity used by Ovid to (...)
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  32. Mi-pinḳaso shel rofe: sugiyot ṿe-dilemot be-etiḳah, ba-refuʼah uva-halakhah.Menachem Haim Brayer - 2016 - Bene Beraḳ: [Menaḥem Ḥayim Brayer].
    Toldot ha-meḥaber - Petaḥ davar -- Psikhonoyroʼimunologyah, yaḥase gomlin nefesh guf -- Hakarat ha-ṭov la-tseṿet ha-metapel -- Peʻilut hatsalah ha-ʻalulah le-hasev nezaḳim -- ha-Ḥoleh ha-sofani ha-noṭeh la-mut -- ʻAl saf gesher ha-ḥayim -- Ḳedushat ha-ḥayim -- Ḥoleh dimenṭi, ḥasar deʻah, Altshaimer -- Ḥolim ḳashim ʻim ekhut ḥayim yerudah u-mugbaluyot -- Refuʼat nashim (geniḳologyah), ʻubarim, yiludim ṿi-yeladim -- Bediḳot seḳer -- Amirat emet la-ḥoleh.
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  33.  22
    A Seventh-Century English Edition of Virgil.N. F. G. Dall - 1918 - Classical Quarterly 12 (3-4):171-.
    Two kindred glossaries, Affatim and the Second Amplonian, have been shown to derive their materials mainly from the Abstrusa and Abolita glossaries, but partly also from Virgil marginalia. This Virgil thread is most clearly seen in the I-section of Affatim. The Affatim compiler tells us that the exemplar had lost four leaves at this point: ‘Here the exemplar lacks four leaves in the H–I portion’ . We find the following unmistakable Virgil batches:Affatim 525, 41 sqq. Infandum: inenarrandum, nee loquendum ; (...)
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  34.  13
    Enniana, I.O. Skutsch - 1944 - Classical Quarterly 38 (3-4):79-.
    Ennius began his Annals with a prayer to the Muses: Musae quae pedibus magnum pulsatis Olympum. In this he differs from his predecessors. Livius in his Odusia had substituted Camena for Homer's Μοσα, and the ‘novem Iovis concordes sorores’ to whom Naevius addresses himself in the Carmen Belli Punici also bore the name of Camenae, as we may infer with some confidence from Naevius' epitaph: ‘Immortales mortales si foret fas flere Flerent divae Camenae Naevium poetam.’ The mysterious Carmen Priami likewise (...)
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  35.  8
    Vida de Segundo: versión castellana de la Vita Secundi de Vicente de Beauvais. Vincent & Hugo O. Bizzarri - 2000 - Exeter, Devon, UK: University of Exeter Press. Edited by Hugo O. Bizzarri.
    Includes Spanish version of Vita Secundi (Life of Secundus of Athens) by Vincent of Beauvais, and the Spanish version (Castellana) by Walter Burley (Gualterus Burlaeus) with the Latin version in his "Tractatus de vita et moribus philosophorum et de quibusdam dictis eorum" from his ms. in the "Biblioteca Nacional de Madrid Vit. 18-7 (Olim T. 9), fols. 50r-51v"--See page 33.
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